Art Post 14 Iggy Sketches
Hello everyone! I don’t know how I got any drawing in today, but somehow it happened. Here are some sketches of my devilish girl, Iggy.
Iggy’s age is around twenty in human years, but her alien-human background sets her apart from both sides’ standard growth timeline. I have been wondering how to represent the alien part of her, but besides their small size, I never imagined what other features the aliens would have. Coming up with something has been surprisingly difficult! Creators of Star Trek aliens had a difficult job! But maybe it is even harder in illustration. Extra facial features, extra limbs, unhumanly colored skin, stuff like that are tough unless they combine to create a being so different that they do not fall into “uncanny valley.” But too similar to a human, except for some facial ridges, tattoo-like markings, or antennas, is underwhelming.
We shall see. Hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful rest of your week!