Journal 35
Hello. How have you been doing? Is your January going well? For me, January feels like it moves so fast. It comes so soon after Christmas, but I like to shift gears gently.
Well before I move into January completely, I do want to share some Christmas gifts that I received. I thought these would be the most fun to share. Everyone was very sweet and thoughtful, and I think everyone liked their gifts too.
LED light-up compact mirror
Star Wars cats calendar
Star Wars Outlaws Xbox physical copy video game
The Lord of the Rings paperback set
Alanna: The First Adventure paperback
My partner got me the books. I am halfway through the first book of The Lord of the Rings. I am really enjoying it. Sadly, some of the nature descriptions are a little tough for me to understand. I don’t know what a heave, or a knoll, or a dell is. But that is a worldwide trend, of people knowing fewer nature words.
But I am fortunate: I can stretch far back into my childhood memories to understand what some of these descriptions feel or sound or smell like. I remember aspen leaves rustling, but I have to work hard to imagine what they would sound like if they were laughing.
And here is a desk mat that I treated myself to after Christmas:
As you can see, lots of female knights and fantasy themes, and sci-fi. (The description said the figure in the desk pad was a man, but come on, that is a female, no?) I like female knights. I wish I was a knight. I hear the Vatican is considering a female Swiss Guard. Hopefully, the women will not have a height limit like the men. We could defend the convents. And it would be great to wear such a cool outfit.
I also want to mention an unusual sighting of a drone. Nationally, they have just been called “drones,” but I think it is a combination of drones and small airplanes. Since the unusual aircraft activity stopped a little after mid-December, it has occasionally shown up here and there.
One morning a few days ago, I went to the bathroom around 5 AM. It was so dark outside. I was sitting on the toilet, by a window, admiring how dark it was outside, when a bright white light zoomed towards my house and over it. When it was overhead, I saw that it was a type of drone commonly spotted in December.
There I was, just going to take a pee, and there was a drone practically scraping the top branches of a nearby oak tree. Excuse you! A little privacy please!
Thank you for spending time with me. Please have a good week.