2 min read

Journal 35

Hello. How have you been doing? Is your January going well? For me, January feels like it moves so fast. It comes so soon after Christmas, but I like to shift gears gently.

Well before I move into January completely, I do want to share some Christmas gifts that I received. I thought these would be the most fun to share. Everyone was very sweet and thoughtful, and I think everyone liked their gifts too.

LED light-up compact mirror

Star Wars cats calendar

Star Wars Outlaws Xbox physical copy video game

The Lord of the Rings paperback set

Alanna: The First Adventure paperback

My partner got me the books. I am halfway through the first book of The Lord of the Rings. I am really enjoying it. Sadly, some of the nature descriptions are a little tough for me to understand. I don’t know what a heave, or a knoll, or a dell is. But that is a worldwide trend, of people knowing fewer nature words.

But I am fortunate: I can stretch far back into my childhood memories to understand what some of these descriptions feel or sound or smell like. I remember aspen leaves rustling, but I have to work hard to imagine what they would sound like if they were laughing.

And here is a desk mat that I treated myself to after Christmas:

Drop + The Lord of the Rings™ Rohirrim™ Desk Mat - Green | Battlestations | Desk Mats | Themed Desk Mats
Drop exclusive product, price and reviews: Drop + The Lord of the Rings™ Rohirrim™ Desk Mat | And with the sun rides Rohan’s favorite son: esteemed among…

As you can see, lots of female knights and fantasy themes, and sci-fi. (The description said the figure in the desk pad was a man, but come on, that is a female, no?) I like female knights. I wish I was a knight. I hear the Vatican is considering a female Swiss Guard. Hopefully, the women will not have a height limit like the men. We could defend the convents. And it would be great to wear such a cool outfit.

I also want to mention an unusual sighting of a drone. Nationally, they have just been called “drones,” but I think it is a combination of drones and small airplanes. Since the unusual aircraft activity stopped a little after mid-December, it has occasionally shown up here and there.

One morning a few days ago, I went to the bathroom around 5 AM. It was so dark outside. I was sitting on the toilet, by a window, admiring how dark it was outside, when a bright white light zoomed towards my house and over it. When it was overhead, I saw that it was a type of drone commonly spotted in December.

There I was, just going to take a pee, and there was a drone practically scraping the top branches of a nearby oak tree. Excuse you! A little privacy please!

Thank you for spending time with me. Please have a good week.
